Clear Braces

Do you offer clear aligners in your office?

Core Dental Care in Billings, Montana offers SureSmile® Clear Aligners.  SureSmile® Clear Aligners are designed to ensure a comfortable fit, promote better oral hygiene and deliver the exact tooth movements needed to achieve your ideal smile.

What are SureSmile® Clear Aligners?

Conventional braces straighten teeth using metal brackets, bands and wires.  SureSmile® straightens teeth using clear aligners.

Both carry the cosmetic advantage of making your smile straighter and more youthful, along with a plethora of health advantages, and not just for your mouth. When you do your SureSmile® consultation, Dr. Ericksen will review all the ways in which SureSmile®  might benefit:

  • Bruxing/Grinding

  • Breathing

  • Sleeping

  • Reflux


How much does SureSmile® cost?

The cost of  SureSmile®Clear Aligners depends on the individual treatment. Determining factors include the number of setups and aligners needed to achieve the desired straightening results. When compared to traditional metal braces and Invisalign;  SureSmile®  Clear Aligners are typically less expensive.

On average, the cost of  treatment ranges from $3,500 to $5 ,000. A minor treatment case, such as an adult with orthodontic relapse, may cost as little as $2,000. Dr. Ericksen will evaluate your condition and let you know how much it will cost for you.